Tuesday, 23 October 2012

A Gem from the Sack Sale..

Outfit of the day for you guys! I really wanted to show you this one, as I'm wearing one of my laaavley gems from the Sack Sale. Yep, it's this beautiful vintage shirt - how great is it? I really love the gothic-inspired collar. How much do you reckon you'd pay for a top like this in somewhere like River Island? My guess is a lot.

Haven't got much to say to be honest, apologies for being so boring. But ohmigosh, I nearly forgot - I have awesome Kpop news! Big Bang are coming to Wembley Stadium - that's right, in LONDON! Dreams really do come true .. ♪♥

So I'll leave it at that for today, laters lovelies  

Skirt - H&M
Shoes - Red
Jacket - Peacocks
Shirt - Vintage, sack sale
Bicycle necklace - Claires
Headscarf - from Cyprus 
Tights - probably old school tight tbh

Saturday, 20 October 2012

The Sack Sale Shop

All my thrifty guys and girls LISTEN UP! 

If you live in the Birmingham area there is one shop you really must check out - The Sack Sale Shop. Situated in New Street, it's a huge vintage/thrift store where you pay five pounds for a bag and fill it up with whatever you can fit in it. No catch, it's as simple as that!

The downstairs is really cute; decorated with a little birdcage, collage and graffiti style wall art. Straight away, I felt like I'd stumbled into some sort of  magical realm. So pretty! There's a few bits and bobs to be had down here; a selection of clothes and hats mainly. but the real bulk of the treasure is just up the stairs.

 Upstairs, it is kinda like a organised mess. In fact, it is the definition of such. See for yourself...

Alex rummaging through the gems

All the piles are organised into categories  like Knits, Bottoms and Shirts. If you don't mind a bit of rummaging, and I'm assuming we all don't, it's clothes heaven. Where else can you get a sackful of goodies for a mere fiver? I also love the art on the walls, so creative. I'm pretty sure they actually advertise the local artists, so it's really worth checking out for that alone.

Awesome art and piles of stuff. Bliss ;D

My sack was so heavy I felt like Father Christmas. I can't wait to show all the lovely things I've picked up. So guys, if you near good ol' Brum, I really think you should check out.  I'm pretty sure it's only on until the 23rd of December, not sure if it's going for good or coming back, but either way, I'd get there fast.

I don't have a good picture of my sack. Oh dear, that came out wrong, but you get me. But you'll be seeing my purchases soon ☺

Have a splendid weekend Bubalas ..♣

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Autumn is upon us

These pictures were taken hastily before uni today. Looking at them, you'd perhaps think it was a bright sunny day - no chance. The wind was awful today, my carefully sculpted hair was a knotted mess by the time I got to the bus station and I had to be extremely cautious that my skirt didn't betray my modesty. Eek.

Look at all the lovely Autumn leaves on the ground! I have to be honest, Autumn is the one season I've never actually had strong feelings about. If anything, I kind of disliked it, as it ushers in the end of summer and the huge gap to Christmas. I've been reading lots of blogs who have been celebrating the turning of the leaves, and I've decided to join them. Autumn is actually a really beautiful time of year, it's strange I've never really thought about it much. I'm enjoying it so far (:

Not a great deal has happened in the last week, although I have been given some articles to write for the uni paper The Thread, which I've really been looking forward to. I have already written a promo for the Band Night that's happening this Thursday and I'll be going along to that to cover it. As my regular readers will know, I'm kinda familiar with independent and local band, so I can't wait for that

Some of my necklaces in their new home Sorry it's a bit blurry
I'm disappointed that you can't see my robot necklace in the photographs. Like seriously? It's like it's disappeared. I swear I was wearing it, but for some reason it is invisible - huh. Very strange. Oh well, here it is.  I find it really funny that the boy robot has the Ecape button on it's tummy - it's kinda like when the girl says she want to move in together or something, he's got it there, ready to bail :')

I've had it for ages, but only recently have I organised all my necklaces. I'm notoriously untidy, so I've been giving my room a massive clean-up. My necklaces were wedged into a box all tangled up, so my mother had the ingenious idea of getting a noticeboard and pinning them onto it. I think they look quite pretty up there too, which is a bonus.

Have a good week bubalas! Yes, I've become a Jewish grandmother lately. 

Cardigan - Layers
Tee- Apple Bottom
Skirt - Topshop
Sparkly tights - from childhood
Shoes - Ebay
Watch - Jeremy Scott for Swatch
Robot necklace - Claire's 
Heart necklace - a gift
Deer Earrings - Clothes Show

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Chillin' in the dark

I'm so white.

Hello my little lovelies! Serious flash going on here, it was rather dark. My face is like a ghost's. I've had a somewhat inspiring week at uni, you see, over the holiday I'd been having a crisis about my future. You know the kind; freaking out about what you'll do after the degree - but my lecturers have kind of indirectly made me feel better about things, which is nice ☺

Jack called this picture 'Bot Blasting'  :')

Cardie - H&M, Tee - Red or Dead, Jeans - H&M, Boots - Hypnotic

You may have noticed I have a bobby pin attached to my tee. It might look a tad strange  but I find it one of the most convenient and useful places of keeping them - they are always there if you need them and you need never take them off, I often just shove them in the wash on my tops. Handy, no? :')

U-kiss - Break Time, U-kiss Only one, G-Dragon - Shine a light CD & DVD, SHINee - Hello (signed), United Cube - Hyuna, 4minute, Beast & G.NA, G-Dragon - Shine a Light book
What I've been listening to...
At the moment, I've mainly been cracking out my beloved Kpop. It's cheering me up through the post-summer blues. Here's my collection of Kpop CDs, I haven't bought a new one for quite some time aha. The last one I got was my United Cube CD, which is a compilation of singers and groups from the entertainment agency Cube. My friend and I were lucky enough to see these artists in concert up in London last Christmas, it was truly amazing! I won this signed SHINee album ages ago through Arirang radio competition.

 Don't you think Kpop CDs are so much prettier? You should see the inside of them

Anyways, hope you've had a great weekend
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